Author Guidelines

Preparation of Manuscript

The page length of Research Paper,Review Paper, Short Communications Manuscript should be maximum of 15,20,10 pages respectively. The manuscripts should comprise of the following categories:

  •     Title
  •     List of authors, their affiliations and corresponding author email addresses
  •     Abstract
  •     Introduction  & Literature
  •     Experimental Procedures, Materials, Methods
  •     Results with numerical and graphical data (If Necessary), Analysis  and discussion
  •     Conclusions
  •     Acknowledgments (optional)
  •     References


Title of the Manuscript  : The title of the manuscript should be specific, unique, definite and concise. Titles should be prepared  in Sentence  case(capitalizing only the first word and any proper nouns)

Author(s) name, affiliations and corresponding author email address  : Mention the full names and affiliations of all the authors. Affiliations should comprise department, university or organization, city, and country where the research is done. One of the authors should be selected as the corresponding author, and his/her email address should be provided.

Abstract  : The abstract should be concisely added in the manuscript, and should not exceed 400 words and citations are not allowed in the abstract.

Keywords : Minimum of 3 keywords or phrases should be incorporated and should be distinguished by commas.

Introduction  : The introduction part should provide a perspective and background of the study/investigation/research for your manuscript.

Experimental Procedures, Materials, and Methods: Clear experimental procedures, standards, results, analysis, and discussions should be incorporated.  The main body part should include the main proposed ideas, results and discussions. Required data should be given numerically and graphically.

Conclusions – the reasoned judgment and findings from the test results of the study/investigation/research should be summarized.  And the significance of findings should be explained. Discussion of cryptic data and recommendation for further research should be included if needed.          A valuable conclusion should afford closure for a research paper for the reader for the entire satisfaction of understanding

Acknowledgments: It is an author(s) decisions to provide acknowledgments or not. The acknowledgments part includes the names of persons who have contributed to performing the work and also can include the funding sources.

References– IRJST uses the numbering citation method in the square brackets for reference formatting, with sequential numbering in the text, and corresponding ordering of references in an ascending order list at the end of the paper.

Publication Fees:  

International Research Journal of Science and Technology  (IRJST) strives for quality original research paper publications without any plagiarism and not collecting any publication processing fees.

Publication Process

  • Submission of articles to the journal.
  • Screening of articles by editor in chief and executive editor.
  • Submission of an article to Reviewers.
  • Auditing of a reviewed article by the editor in chief.
  • Editing of a reviewed article by the author.
  • Re-reviewing of articles if required.
  • Acceptance/Rejection of an article.
  • Rejected articles will be returned to the concerned author(s)
  • Editing of accepted article formats for online publication
  • Sending proof  to the author.
  • Receiving copyright form from the author.
  • Online publication of an article